
Send Push-Notifications by to iOS, Android and Windows 10 devices by zapier

Invitation for using Pushsafer in your Zaps

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect apps you use every day to automate tasks and save time. You can connect any of our 750+ integrated apps together to make your own automations. What's more it's quick and easy to set up - you don't need to be a developer, anyone can make a Zap!

With Zapier your integrations are set up via Zaps which perform your automation for you. These automations are achieved by mixing a Trigger with Actions (like pushsafer) that are available on your favorite apps.

1) Make a ZAP! (just one of many)

Pushsafer goes zapier make a zap

2) Choose a app > choose a trigger!

Pushsafer goes zapier - choose a trigger app

3) Choose pushsafer app as a action and set up the template!

Pushsafer goes zapier - set up pushsafer action template

For more information about replacing values (title, message, icon, icon color, sound, vibration) in your push notification, check out our API description!

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