Send Messages

How can I send push notifications with the message API?

Using HTTP Post (not GET) in the programming language of your application and send a request to http://www.pushsafer.com/api or over a secure connection to https://www.pushsafer.com/api! To customize the push notification to your needs, the following values can be transmitted: title, message, icon, icon color, sound, vibration, image(s), device or device group, url, url title, time to live, priority, retry, expire, answer.

Here are some examples:

$url = 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api';
$data = array(
	't' => urlencode($title),
	'm' => urlencode($message),
	's' => $sound,
	'v' => $vibration,
	'i' => $icon,
	'c' => $iconcolor,
	'd' => $device,
	'u' => urlencode($url),
	'ut' => urlencode($urltitle),
	'p' => $picture,
	'k' => $private_key
$options = array(
	'http' => array(
		'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
		'method'  => 'POST',
		'content' => http_build_query($data)
$context  = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

$ch = curl_init();
$data = array(
	't' => urlencode($title),
	'm' => urlencode($message),
	's' => $sound,
	'v' => $vibration,
	'i' => $icon,
	'c' => $iconcolor,
	'd' => $device,
	'u' => urlencode($url),
	'ut' => urlencode($urltitle),
	'p' => $picture,
	'k' => $private_key
$postString = http_build_query($data, '', '&');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api' );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postString);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
$response = curl_exec($ch);

  type: "POST",
  url: 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api',
  data:  {
		t: escape(title),
		m: escape(message),
		s: sound,
		v: vibration,
		i: icon,
		c: iconcolor,
		d: device,
		u: escape(url),
		ut: escape(urltitle),
		p: picture,
		k: private_key

var xhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else {
    // code for IE6, IE5
    xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xhttp.open("POST", "https://www.pushsafer.com/api", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


npm install pushsafer-notifications

var push = require( 'pushsafer-notifications' );
var p = new push( {
    k: 'Your20CharPrivateKey',             // your 20 chars long private key 
    debug: true
var msg = {
    m: 'This is a Node.js test message',   // message (required)
    t: "Node.js Test",                     // title (optional)
    s: '8',                                // sound (value 0-50) 
    v: '2',                                // vibration (empty or value 1-3) 
    i: '5',                                // icon (value 1-176)
    c: '#FF0000',                          // iconcolor (optional)
    u: 'https://www.pushsafer.com',        // url (optional)
    ut: 'Open Link',                       // url title (optional)
    d: '221'                               // the device or device group id 
// console.log( p ); 
p.send( msg, function( err, result ) {
    //console.log( 'ERROR:', err ); 
    console.log( 'RESULT', result );
    // process.exit(0); 

Unix CLI
curl -s \
  --form-string "t=title" \
  --form-string "m=message" \
  --form-string "s=sound" \
  --form-string "v=vibration" \
  --form-string "i=icon" \
  --form-string "c=iconcolor" \
  --form-string "d=device" \
  --form-string "u=url" \
  --form-string "ut=urltitle" \
  --form-string "p=picture" \
  --form-string "k=private_key" \  

require "net/https"
url = URI.parse("https://www.pushsafer.com/api")
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path)
  :t => title,
  :m => message,
  :s => sound,
  :v => vibration,
  :i => icon,
  :c => iconcolor,
  :d => device,
  :u => url,
  :ut => urltitle,
  :p => picture,
  :k => private_key,
res = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
res.use_ssl = true
res.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
res.start {|http| http.request(req) }

var options= new NameValueCollection {
		{ "t", title },
		{ "m", message },
		{ "s", sound },
		{ "v", vibration },
		{ "i", icon },
		{ "c", iconcolor },
		{ "d", device },
		{ "u", url },
		{ "ut", urltitle },
		{ "p", picture },
		{ "k", private_key }
using (var client = new WebClient())
    client.UploadValues("https://www.pushsafer.com/api", options);

use LWP::UserAgent;
  "https://www.pushsafer.com/api", [
  "t" => title,
  "m" => message,
  "s" => sound,
  "v" => vibration,
  "i" => icon,
  "c" => iconcolor,
  "d" => device,
  "u" => url,
  "ut" => urltitle,
  "p" => picture,
  "k" => private_key,

package require http
set url "https://www.pushsafer.com/api"
::http::geturl $url -query [::http::formatQuery k "privateKey" t "Title" m "Message" d "deviceID" i "Icon" s "Sound" v "Vibration" c "IconColor" u "URL" ut "URLTitle" l "Time2Live" p "Base64EncodedImageString"]

Python 3
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import base64

# local image from drive
file = 'logo.jpg'
image = open(file, 'rb')
image_read = image.read()
image1 = base64.encodebytes(image_read)

# remote image from url
image2 = base64.b64encode(urlopen("https://www.google.de/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png").read())

url = 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api'
post_fields = {
	"t" : 'Test',
	"m" : 'Test Message',
	"s" : 11,
	"v" : 3,
	"i" : 33,
	"c" : '#FF0000',
	"d" : 'a',
	"u" : 'https://www.pushsafer.com',
	"ut" : 'Open Pushsafer',
	"k" : '[private_key]',
	"p" : 'data:image/jpeg;base64,'+str(image1.decode('ascii')),
	"p2" : 'data:image/png;base64,'+str(image2.decode('ascii')),

request = Request(url, urlencode(post_fields).encode())
json = urlopen(request).read().decode()

sUrl = "https://www.pushsafer.com/api"

sRequest = "k=YourKey&d=DeviceID&t=Title Here&m=Test Message sned with VBScript&i=20&s=37&v=3"

HTTPPost sUrl, sRequest

Function HTTPPost(sUrl, sRequest)
  set oHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  oHTTP.open "POST", sUrl,false
  oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(sRequest)
  oHTTP.send sRequest
  HTTPPost = oHTTP.responseText
 End Function
API Response-Codes

With every message API-call you get a response with http header code and a JSON string for evaluation

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
{ "status":1, "success":"message transmitted", "available":1823, "message_ids":"1324312:118,1324313:324" }

available available API calls

message_ids unique message ids divided by comma
and associated device ID with seperated by colon

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid key
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid key" }

HTTP/1.0 255 invalid key or empty message
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid key or empty message" }

HTTP/1.0 260 empty message
{ "status":0, "error":"empty message" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid device
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device" }

HTTP/1.0 275 invalid device group
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device group" }

HTTP/1.0 280 not enough API calls
{ "status":0, "error":"not enough API calls" }

Read Messages
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-m
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
d = Device ID
m = Message ID (optional) empty = display all messages or with message ID for displaying the individual message
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-m?k={private_key}&d={device}


    "status": 1,
    "messages": {
        "21231": {
            "id": "21231",
            "title": "Pushsafer Test Push",
            "message": "This is only a test",
            "icon": "22",
            "iconcolor": "#FFCCCC",
            "sound": "12",
            "vibration": "3",
            "url": "https:\/\/www.pushsafer.com",
            "url_title": "Open Pushsafer",
            "image1": "",
            "image2": "",
            "image3": "",
            "time2live": "",
            "date_sent": "2018-08-21 16:00:23",
            "status_sent": "1",
            "priority": "2",
            "retry": "1",
            "retries": "10",
            "expire": "2018-08-21 18:00:23",
            "expired": "1",
            "reply": "1",
            "replied": "1",
            "answer": "This is a test answer",
            "answeroptions": "yes|no|maybe",
            "answerforce": "1",
            "location_lat": "51.0410180581",
            "location_lon": "12.3791688397",
            "location_time": "2019-07-01 22:29:30"			

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
"status": 0, "error": "invalid authentication" }

Read Devices
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-d
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-d?k={private_key}&u={username}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "devices":{ "a":"All Devices", "gs40":"Group: iOS", "gs44":"Group: Windows", "gs46":"Group: Android", "gs47":"Group: Browser", "53":"iPhone4", "78":"GT-P5110", "82":"Cindys iPhone6", "86":"iPad Air", "123":"iPhone6p", "143":"Windows Firefox", "267":"Lumia 550", "269":"PC Office WIN10", "318":"Windows Chrome", "418":"BV2000s", "484":"CUBOT GT72E", "1351":"HUAWEI MT7-L09", "1520":"Cindy's SATELLITE PRO" } }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

Read Devices (extended)
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-de
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-de?k={private_key}&u={username}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
{ "status":1, "devices":{ "a":{ "id":"a", "name":"All active devices", "status":1 }, "gs1":{ "id":"gs1", "name":"Group: iOS", "status":1 }, "1":{ "id":"1", // device id "name":"iPhone XS Max", // device name "status":1, // device status "sent":234, // messages sent to this device "platform":"iOS", // possible values (iOS, Android, Windows, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Yandex, Telegram) "location_lat":"51.0407778894", // last location latitude "location_lng":"12.3798235675", // last location longitude "location_time":"2023-02-11 16:42:09", // last synchronization of device location "isguest":"1", // is guest device 1/0 "created":"2016-04-02 12:31:55", // date of registration "lastsync":"2023-02-10 20:10:29" // last synchronization of device } } }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

Update Device Name
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-dn
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
d = Device ID
n = Device Name
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-dn?k={private_key}&u={user}&d={device_id}&n={devicename}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "deviceupdated":123 }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid device
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device" }

HTTP/1.0 276 invalid device name
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device name" }

Update Device Status
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-ds
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
d = Device ID
s = Status on/off
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-ds?k={private_key}&u={user}&d={device_id}&s=on


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "deviceupdated":123 }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid device
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device" }

HTTP/1.0 295 invalid status
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid status" }

Delete Device
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-dd
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
d = Device ID
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-dd?k={private_key}&u={user}&d={device_id}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "devicedeleted":123 }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid device
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid device" }

Read Groups
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-g
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-g?k={private_key}&u={user}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groups":{ "gs111":{ "name":"iOS", "devices":"123|1234|12345" }, "gs123":{ "name":"Android", "devices":"4321|54321|1543" }, "gs222":{ "name":"Alarm", "devices":"1111|2222|3333|4444" } } }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

Create Group
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-ga
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
g = Group name
s = Status on/off
d = Device IDs seperated by | (optional)
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-ga?k={private_key}&u={user}&g={groupname}&s=off&d=1|2|3


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groupadded":"gs1234" }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid devices
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid devices" }

HTTP/1.0 275 invalid group name
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid group name" }

HTTP/1.0 285 group exists
{ "status":0, "error":"group exists" }

HTTP/1.0 295 invalid status
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid status" }

Update Group Name
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gun
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
g = Groups ID
n = Group name
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gun?k={private_key}&u={user}&g={groupid}&n={groupname}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groupupdated":"gs1234" }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 275 invalid group
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid group" }

HTTP/1.0 276 invalid group name
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid group name" }

HTTP/1.0 285 group name exists
{ "status":0, "error":"group name exists" }

Update Group Status
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gus
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
g = Groups ID
s = Status on/off
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gus?k={private_key}&u={user}&g={groupid}&s=on


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groupupdated":"gs1234" }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 275 invalid group
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid group" }

HTTP/1.0 295 invalid status
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid status" }

Update Group Devices
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gud
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
g = Groups ID
d = Devices IDs seperated by |
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gud?k={private_key}&u={user}&g={groupid}&d=1|2|3


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groupupdated":"gs1234" }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

HTTP/1.0 270 invalid devices
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid devices" }

HTTP/1.0 275 invalid group
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid group" }

Delete Group
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gd
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
g = Groups ID
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-gd?k={private_key}&u={user}&g={groupid}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"status":1, "groupdeleted":"gs1234" }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

Validate Key
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-k
Method POST or GET
Parameter k = Private Key
u = Username or E-mail Address
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-k?k={private_key}&u={user}


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
{ "status":1, "success":"valid key", "available-api-calls":21398 }

HTTP/1.0 250 invalid authentication
{ "status":0, "error":"invalid authentication" }

Outputs all available icons
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-i
Method GET
Parameter k = Private Key
l = Language en/de (optional)
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-i?k={private_key}&l=en


      "1":"[001] Pushsafer bell",
      "2":"[002] Exclamation mark in a circle",
      "3":"[003] Question mark in a circle",

         "message":"authorization not valid"

Outputs all available sounds
Endpoint https://www.pushsafer.com/api-s
Method GET
Parameter k = Private Key
l = Language en/de (optional)
Example https://www.pushsafer.com/api-i?k={private_key}&l=en


      "0":"[00] Silent",
      "1":"[01] Ahem (IM)",
      "2":"[02] Applause (Mail)",
      "3":"[03] Arrow (Reminder)",

         "message":"authorization not valid"


In the profile settings you can specify a callback URL..Pushsafer Callback URL
For positive actions, such as sending push-notifications or registering new devices, the JSON response code are sent to this URL via POST with the parameter json. With this function you have the possibility to create automatisms in your own system or match registered device to an account.

Example: https://www.pushsafer.com/call/me/back

$json = $_POST['json'];
	$file = 'callback.txt';
	// open data
	$current = file_get_contents($file);
	// insert new line
	$current.= "\n".date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()).' '.$json;
	// write data
	file_put_contents($file, $current);

Response code for sending push-notifications

	"success":"message transmitted",

Response code for registering a new device

	"action": "add-device",
	"id": "27899",
	"name": "iPhone XS",
	"group": "gs123",
	"guest": "1"

Response code for deleting a device

	"action": "delete-device",
	"id": "27899"

Response code for sending answers

	"action": "answer transmitted",
	"answer": "my answer"

Response code for deleting a single message


Response code for deleting selected messages


Response code for deleting all messages

Location Tracking
(BETA) With the location tracking (Android, iOS & Windows 10 with Cient-APP version >=2.3.1) you have the possibility to track the location of the device with each push notification sent. For this, the necessary permissions must be accepted. If the location was submitted correctly and is not older than 24 hours, it will be displayed as a new icon in the Client APP and can be read in the response of the Read API!

Pushsafer Location Tracking Client APP

To save the device battery & energy, the tracking is triggered only when the device is not still and at least a distance of about 100 meters was covered to the last measurement.

Permissions iOS

Pushsafer Location Tracking Permissions iOS
On iOS, the following permissions must be allowed to transfer the locations correctly

  • Loction = always
  • Motion & Fitness, used to detect if the device is moving. Only when device is moving - locations are transmitted (protection of the battery life)
  • Background App Refresh & Mobile Data, if aktivated the location data can be transmitted when the app is in background

Permissions Android

Pushsafer Location Tracking Permissions Android till Version 7

Separate permission for Android >=8

Pushsafer Location Tracking Permissions Android >=8

With the introduction of notification categories (channels) in Android 8, the Sync Service channel must be activated. This is needed to keep the app open in the background only this way locations can be tracked and transmitted.

Permissions Windows 10
Location tracking in Windows 10 requires the following permissions: Location & Background Apps

Pushsafer Location Tracking Permissions Windows 10

Pushsafer Location Tracking Permissions Background APP Windows 10


If a firewall denied the access, please allow this ip address!

IPv4 =

IPv6 = 2a00:f48:cafe:a911::1


Use parameters to configure your push-notification, press the orange parameter to get a more detailed description:

k = Private or Alias Key*

Example: 3SAz1a2iTYsh19eXIMiO

d = Device

Single Device ID or Device Group ID or all Devices

d=a = to all devices
d=gs23 = to a device group
d=52 = to a single device
d=52|65|78 = to multiple devices of same account

t = Title

m = Message*

s = Sound empty=device default or a number 0-62

v = Vibration empty=device default or a number 1-3

(only iOS & Android)

i = Icon Standard = 1 or a number 1-181

c = Icon Color Standard = Empty

or a Hexadecimal Colorcode, Example: #FF0000

(only Android >5.0, Windows 10 & Client APP)

LED Notification Color
(only Android, device needs a RGB LED)

u = URL/Link u="https://www.pushsafer.com"

ut = URL Title ut="Open Link"

Open other apps through push notifications by using
URL schemes

p = Picture Data URL with Base64-encoded string
p2 = Picture 2 Data URL with Base64-encoded string
p3 = Picture 3 Data URL with Base64-encoded string


is = Image Size smaller image = faster loading time

0 = 1024px
1 = 768px
2 = 512px
3 = 256px

l = Time to Live Integer number 0-43200: Time in minutes,

after a message automatically gets purged.

pr = Priority

-2 = lowest priority

-1 = lower priority

0 = normal priority

1 = high priority (Time-Sensitive Notifications)

2 = highest priority (Critical Alerts)

re = Retry / resend

Integer 60-10800 (60s steps): Time in seconds, after a message should resend.

ex = Expire

Integer 60-10800: Time in seconds, after the retry/resend should stop.

a = Answer

1 = Answer is possible
0 = Answer is not possible.

ao = Answer Options

predefined answer options divided by a pipe character e.g. Yes|No|Maybe

af = Force Answer

1 = yes
0 = no

cr = Confirm / resend

Integer 10-10800 (10s steps) Time in seconds after which a message should be sent again before it is confirmed.

g = GIPHY GIF Code f.e. 8dMU9pN4pGwEfVpdY4

* required parameters

max. size of all POST parameters = 8192kb

HTML Styling
The message can be formatted using BBCode. Formatting can only be displayed in the client apps but not in the Push-Notification itselfs. The following BBCodes are accepted:

[b]Word[/b] Word bold
[i]Word[/i] Word italic
[u]Word[/u] Word underline
[s]Word[/s] Word crossed out
[left]Word[/left] Text left-aligned
[center]Word[/center] Text center-aligned
[right]Word[/right] Text right-aligned
[size=18]Word[/size] Text in font-size 18 pixel
optimal font size 8-48
[color=blue]Word[/color] Word blue
[color=#FF0000]Word[/color] Word red
Hex codes and most color names are supported.
[url=http://www.domain.com]Link[/url] display a link
Combined values are also possible:
[b][u][color=#980000]Word[/color][/u][/b] = Word
Line break: \n or BBCode [br]

Values in brackets applies to Windows 10 (UWP)

empty = Device Default
0 = Silent
1 = Ahem (IM)
2 = Applause (Mail)
3 = Arrow (Reminder)
4 = Baby (SMS)
5 = Bell (Alarm)
6 = Bicycle (Alarm2)
7 = Boing (Alarm3)
8 = Buzzer (Alarm4)
9 = Camera (Alarm5)
10 = Car Horn (Alarm6)
11 = Cash Register (Alarm7)
12 = Chime (Alarm8)
13 = Creaky Door (Alarm9)
14 = Cuckoo Clock (Alarm10)
15 = Disconnect (Call)
16 = Dog (Call2)
17 = Doorbell (Call3)
18 = Fanfare (Call4)
19 = Gun Shot (Call5)
20 = Honk (Call6)
21 = Jaw Harp (Call7)
22 = Morse (Call8)
23 = Electricity (Call9)
24 = Radio Tuner (Call10)
25 = Sirens
26 = Military Trumpets
27 = Ufo
28 = Whah Whah Whah
29 = Man Saying Goodbye
30 = Man Saying Hello
31 = Man Saying No
32 = Man Saying Ok
33 = Man Saying Ooohhhweee
34 = Man Saying Warning
35 = Man Saying Welcome
36 = Man Saying Yeah
37 = Man Saying Yes
38 = Beep short
39 = Weeeee short
40 = Cut in and out short
41 = Finger flicking glas short
42 = Wa Wa Waaaa short
43 = Laser short
44 = Wind Chime short
45 = Echo short
46 = Zipper short
47 = HiHat short
48 = Beep 2 short
49 = Beep 3 short
50 = Beep 4 short
51 = The Alarm is armed
52 = The Alarm is disarmed
53 = The Backup is ready
54 = The Door is closed
55 = The Door is opend
56 = The Window is closed
57 = The Window is open
58 = The Light is off
59 = The Light is on
60 = The Doorbell rings
61 = Pager short
62 = Pager long

Only intended for use in conjunction with Pushsafer, you can download all sounds here!

= 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 = 29 = 30 = 31 = 32 = 33 = 34 = 35 = 36 = 37 = 38 = 39 = 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 = 45 = 46 = 47 = 48 = 49 = 50 = 51 = 52 = 53 = 54 = 55 = 56 = 57 = 58 = 59 = 60 = 61 = 62 = 63 = 64 = 65 = 66 = 67 = 68 = 69 = 70 = 71 = 72 = 73 = 74 = 75 = 76 = 77 = 78 = 79 = 80 = 81 = 82 = 83 = 84 = 85 = 86 = 87 = 88 = 89 = 90 = 91 = 92 = 93 = 94 = 95 = 96 = 97 = 98 = 99 = 100 = 101 = 102 = 103 = 104 = 105 = 106 = 107 = 108 = 109 = 110 = 111 = 112 = 113 = 114 = 115 = 116 = 117 = 118 = 119 = 120 = 121 = 122 = 123 = 124 = 125 = 126 = 127 = 128 = 129 = 130 = 131 = 132 = 133 = 134 = 135 = 136 = 137 = 138 = 139 = 140 = 141 = 142 = 143 = 144 = 145 = 146 = 147 = 148 = 149 = 150 = 151 = 152 = 153 = 154 = 155 = 156 = 157 = 158 = 159 = 160 = 161 = 162 = 163 = 164 = 165 = 166 = 167 = 168 = 169 = 170 = 171 = 172 = 173 = 174 = 175 = 176 = 177 = 178 = 179 = 180 = 181

Only intended for use in conjunction with Pushsafer, you can download all icons here!

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