ioBroker - automate your life

Send Push-Notifications by to iOS, Android and Windows 10 devices out of ioBroker - automate your life


The Pushsafer adapter will be downloaded and installed directly from the ioBroker Administration (tab adapter).

Number of Installations Number of Installations NPM version Downloads


npm install iobroker.pushsafer or


Add and set up one or more Pushsafer instances

Pushsafer ioBroker add instances

To send notification from ScriptEngine just write:

// send notification to all instances of pushsafer adapter
sendTo("pushsafer", "message body");

// send notification to specific instance of pushsafer adapter
sendTo("pushsafer.1", "message body");

// To specify subject or other options
sendTo("pushsafer", {
   message:   'Test text',             // mandatory - your text message
   title:     'SweetHome',             // optional  - your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used
   device:    '12',                    // optional  - a device id or device group id (empty or a = all devices)
   sound:     '2',                     // optional  - a number betwenn 0-28 (see pushsafers API description)
   icon:      '2',                     // optional  - a number betwenn 1-98 (see pushsafers API description)
   vibration: '0',                     // optional  - a number betwenn 0-3 (see pushsafers API description)
   picture:   'absolutePathToPicture'  // optional  - absolute path to picture or base64 coded image URL
   picture2:  'absolutePathToPicture2' // optional  - absolute path to picture or base64 coded image URL
   picture3:  'absolutePathToPicture3' // optional  - absolute path to picture or base64 coded image URL   
   url:       'http://blabla',         // optional  - URL or URL scheme,
   urlTitle:  'Link to BLA',           // optional  - title of URL
   time2live  '60',                    // optional  - Integer number 0-43200: Time in minutes, after which message automatically gets purged.

For more information about replacing values (title, message, icon, icon color, sound, vibration) in your push notification, check out our API description!

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