With Pushsafer.com you give the CCU the opportunity to send a push notification for every event action. The push notification you can modify to your needs.
string title = "Subject: Title";The defined variables and serial number (in this example: CUX2801000) you have to replaced by yours!
string message = "This message will be sent by push notification";
string sound = "5";
string icon = "11";
string vibration = "1";
string device = "325";
string privatekey = "4jK9Iod92jSA2WE4R5Un9dDsW";
dom.GetObject("CUxD.CUX2801000:1.CMD_EXEC").State("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/addons/cuxd /usr/local/addons/cuxd/curl -s -k -d k='"#privatekey#"' -d t='"#title#"' -d m='"#message#"' -d s='"#sound#"' -d i='"#icon#"' -d v='"#vibration#"' -d d='"#device#"' https://www.pushsafer.com/api");
//Firmware from Dezember 2019
dom.GetObject("CUxD.CUX2801000:1.CMD_EXEC").State("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/addons/cuxd /usr/bin/curl -s -k -d k='"#privatekey#"' -d t='"#title#"' -d m='"#message#"' -d s='"#sound#"' -d i='"#icon#"' -d v='"#vibration#"' -d d='"#device#"' https://www.pushsafer.com/api");
For more information about replacing values (title, message, icon, icon color, sound, vibration) in your push notification, check out our API description!