*Cost of Alerts*

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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*Cost of Alerts*

Postby 911breakingnews » 28. Mar 2021, 13:47

Hi Everyone!

I am new here. I am attempting to find the limits of "free messages / alerts" sent to the Pushsafer email address. I have searched the website and I can't seem to locate any pricing.

Thank you in advance for your time and help!

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Re: *Cost of Alerts*

Postby admin » 28. Mar 2021, 15:29

all about prices you will find here:

or in your pushsafer dashboard

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