BlueIris Setup

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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BlueIris Setup

Postby scornell22880 » 20. Jun 2022, 15:41

Hello Everyone, I am new to Pushsafer and was looking for a more fleshed-out document on BlueIris and IOS setups. I used to use Gmail to text an alert to myself along with a thumbnail of the camera at the time of the alert. I am trying to mimic this using Pushsafer and hitting some walls.

I am able to generate a notification push just fine however the first issue is the text after the &m is all garbled, looks like BlueIris is doing this and I cannot remove the &m parameter as it appears to be required for the notification to even send.

Second I would like to include the image of the alert in the notification, I see that you cannot attach an image in the API call so what are people using to accomplish this?

Last I would love to have the ability for the notification to open the BlueIris app on my phone and direct it to the alert itself as the old notification did for me. Can that be accomplished?

Thank you for the app and for any help. This is a really cool and top-notch option since Gmail took away oauth

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Re: BlueIris Setup

Postby admin » 20. Jun 2022, 20:36

I am able to generate a notification push just fine however the first issue is the text after the &m is all garbled, looks like BlueIris is doing this and I cannot remove the &m parameter as it appears to be required for the notification to even send.
Please check this post > viewtopic.php?f=24&t=8015
Second I would like to include the image of the alert in the notification, I see that you cannot attach an image in the API call so what are people using to accomplish this?
I will see if there is a solution for this
Last I would love to have the ability for the notification to open the BlueIris app on my phone and direct it to the alert itself as the old notification did for me. Can that be accomplished?
To open an third party APP you need the url scheme of this app. Please ask the developer of BlueIris what the URL scheme of BlueIris is.
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Re: BlueIris Setup

Postby Vsurao » 14. Jul 2022, 05:02


I had the same question. Would like to attach alert jpegs in the notification for Blue Iris

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Re: BlueIris Setup

Postby admin » 14. Jul 2022, 06:41

Currently only works when you use the pushsafer email gateway!

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