Same device on 2 accounts

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 27. Feb 2019, 09:36


it is not possible to add one device in two accounts.
Because with the combination of Pushsafer APP and your Device > Pushsafer get a unqiue key for sending Push-Notifications to this device.
This key is saved to your account after registering your device.

So there is no way to use one device for two accounts.

You can delete the device in one account and register it in the other!

You can send different notification content (image, sound, text, icon) for seperating home and work!
Otherwise you need two devices.

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 12. Mar 2019, 14:27

this is currently not possible.
When your device is registered in two account you will get every messages 2 times, no matter from which account sent!

I will take a look to check if there is a possibility to get around the problem

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 1. Oct 2019, 10:19

Hallo Nitram,

das ist leider nicht möglich, da dem Gerät nur eine eindeutige Push-ID zugewiesen werden kann!
Hier kann nur ein preiswertes Zweitgerät Abhilfe schaffen!

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 1. Oct 2019, 18:13


bitte schreibe mir eine Mail (info[at]appzer[.]de)
Mit deinen beiden Accounts und der Geräte ID, welche du in beiden nutzen möchtest.

Ich werde das Gerät dann manuell beiden Account zuordnen und dann schauen wir mal ob das zuverlässig funktioniert.
Falls ja, kann ich diese Funkton dann dauerhaft einbauen!

Grüße Kevin
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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby NeptuneUK » 8. Oct 2020, 18:46


Were you able to manually add a device into two accounts?

I am experiencing the same issue. I use PS personally, but I want to implement it for a client also, but need to receive notifications from their account group and obviously continue to receive my personal push messages.


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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 8. Oct 2020, 20:30


currently not possible, but i will work on a solution!

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby NeptuneUK » 9. Oct 2020, 10:27

If a solution could be implemented that would be great!

I assume each device is allocated a unique key ID to identify it?

Would you then, in effect, create a lookup table to see if a given account could send notifications to a specific device ID?

This would mean a device could have a one to many relationship with PS accounts and if a user unsubscribed from a single PS account, all others would still be operational.

In this manner a single installation of the PS app, could receive notifications from any account to which an end user had subscribed, 1-nnn.

Of course I know I've over simplified this, and know nothing of the PS backend. But this 2 accounts on 1 device question is not uncommon.

Hope you can develop and stable solution!

I love the PS app anyway!

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Re: Same device on 2 accounts

Postby admin » 9. Oct 2020, 12:45

thanks for the feedback...
We will find a good solution for all user to send notification to devices not associated with the account!

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