email clients possible?

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email clients possible?

Postby kebler » 17. Jan 2020, 06:55

A noob here.

So it's possible to generate a notification from email (and/or an alias) but I don't see a way to add email addresses to act as additional clients (i.e. receive) or to activate the account email address to receive notifications?

Is it possible? is so how? if not is there a work around/hack?

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Re: email clients possible?

Postby admin » 17. Jan 2020, 13:16

Hi there,

I do not understand your problem described! What do you want to achieve?

If you want to receive different notifications (icon, sound ... etc.) from different device, you can use email aliases from pushsafer with predefined parameters!

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Re: email clients possible?

Postby kebler » 19. Jan 2020, 16:40

currently any "registered" client will receive a notification (packet) intended for them/group.

So to be clearer. Does push safer have an smtp gateway where it could also send a copy of the notification to any "registered" email address? In this case there is no software client per say at the receiving end but the email sent could be just a formatted version of the notification packet sent to regular clients (and maybe an attached csv or json file)

I already can send notification emails direct from my node code so I have a solution but it would be nice not to have to use a separate 'notification' system plus there are the benefits of using the groups and various filters that are built in to push safer that would only send on specific notifications to specific email addresses.

For example only 'fatal' notifications would be sent to triage group but lower levels (error, warning) would go on to 'todo' email where they would make a nice list of issues to attend to later.

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Re: email clients possible?

Postby admin » 19. Jan 2020, 19:34


pushsafer is a push-notification service not an email service.
Send EMails you can do on your side with node!

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