Question about limits

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Question about limits

Postby vibi27 » 2. Dec 2019, 02:00


How many guest devices can be registered by only one account ?
Is there any timeout limit before a guest device get kicked out ?
Same question, but with reference starting time = last notification received ?
What is the availability (up) percent of your services/servers (Please I need real numbers, not estimated) ?
Is there any geo-distributed redundancy on your servers, in case of a power outage for example ?


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Re: Question about limits

Postby admin » 6. Dec 2019, 09:37

"How many guest devices can be registered by only one account ?"
no limits

"Is there any timeout limit before a guest device get kicked out ?"
no timeout

"Same question, but with reference starting time = last notification received ?"
no timeout

"What is the availability (up) percent of your services/servers (Please I need real numbers, not estimated) ?"
about 99,5% we use a highly accessible and configurable cloud server and adapt the hardware to higher requirements (without downtime), our service transform and send your request (Push-Notification) to the APN (iOS), FCM (Android) or WNS (Windows 10) servers. How fast they deliver the notification to your device, we have no influence!

"Is there any geo-distributed redundancy on your servers, in case of a power outage for example ?"
Our data-center is Telehouse Frankfurt/Main With around 25,000 square meters of available data center space, Telehouse is one of the largest colocation providers in Germany and is targeted at companies that work with highly sensitive data. Telehouse Frankfurt is conveniently located near the DE-CIX, the largest internet node in the world. The data center has an immediate connection to the Frankfurt glass fiber ring. The total area of the site is 45,000 square meters, so that there are expansion reserves upwards.
Telehouse provides the infrastructure for the IT equipment of companies that value the highest level of security and availability, especially in terms of power supply and air conditioning.
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