Question about business model

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Question about business model

Postby vibi27 » 28. Nov 2019, 14:29

I have to do some API calls from thousands of embedded device that have the same API key, to reach thousands of client smartphones.
I thought this was possible only by providing the deviceId on the embedded side.
I've been able to do those calls with android as target, but this doesn't work with iPhone X.
My friend, which has an iPhone x, has to create a pushsafer account to get the deviceId. This Is a big problem for me as i don't want that My customers had to create any account.
So My question is: Is My business model correct, ie does the way i plan to use pushsafer Is correct and compatible with the way it works ? And Why does My friend doesn't receives any notification even in the client app ?
Thanks in advance for your reply

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Re: Question about business model

Postby admin » 28. Nov 2019, 17:46

You only need one Pushsafer Account. Your are the administrator of this account.
All other devices has to register as guest-devices!
you have to register your friends phone as a guest-device into your account. Your friend have no access to your data or profile!
You will find this feature on your pushsafer profil page!

To send a message to your friends iphone use the same arduino action as you use to send to your own device. The only thing you have to do, is to set the device parameter [d] to your friends device ID.

All api calls will be charged to your account!

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Re: Question about business model

Postby vibi27 » 28. Nov 2019, 19:43

Thanks for your reply,

OK, so what i have not well understood is how I obtain a guest-device-id without login.
According to the client app, friends can:
-scan a QR code => my devices that does API calls has only a local web site and does not expose a QR to www.
-enter a guest id => where does it come from ? I guess from me (sms/mail/vocally), or from my embedded device, and most important thing, how do I generate it programmatically speaking, and to avoid guest-id overlap with other pushsafer accounts ?

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Re: Question about business model

Postby admin » 28. Nov 2019, 20:29

vibi27 wrote:
28. Nov 2019, 19:43
Thanks for your reply,

OK, so what i have not well understood is how I obtain a guest-device-id without login.
According to the client app, friends can:
-scan a QR code => my devices that does API calls has only a local web site and does not expose a QR to www.
-enter a guest id => where does it come from ? I guess from me (sms/mail/vocally), or from my embedded device, and most important thing, how do I generate it programmatically speaking, and to avoid guest-id overlap with other pushsafer accounts ?
  • How your buisness model works?
  • Your guest id is unique, you will find it under the qr code in your pushsafer profile!
  • For example you can share the qr-code in a password protected area!
  • With the callback functionallity, you also can automate the the user mapping!
  • You can combine the guest id with an uniqe device name to assign users in your envirorment
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Re: Question about business model

Postby vibi27 » 28. Nov 2019, 22:27

So, on one of my devices named <deviceId> (<deviceId> = mac address for example),
that is aware of the <api-key> and of the <guest-id>,
and that manages multiples users/friends <user1>, <user2>, <user3>,
i can programmatically generate complete guests Id fields:


And each user/friend enters this complete guest id, and it is enough, am i right ?

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Re: Question about business model

Postby admin » 29. Nov 2019, 07:00

you only need to values combined with a pipe character!


[GUESTID] = your unique guest-id you will find in your pushsafer profile
[UNIQUEDEVICENAME] = a name or value of your choice to assign the user/device to your enviroment

After registration the device get a unique device id (integer), this id you use to send the push-notification to.

To get the device id you can look in your device dashboard or use the callback functionality to automate this procedure!

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Re: Question about business model

Postby vibi27 » 29. Nov 2019, 11:38

OK thanks, now I understand.
So the only way for my embedded device to know the phone deviceId is to decode the JSON return via the callback URL.
But as I have many embedded devices, I should have many callback URL (one per embedded device) which is not possible.

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Re: Question about business model

Postby admin » 29. Nov 2019, 18:03

no, you only need one callback url.
Evertime a device was registered the callback url is called and run your script to process the received data from pushsafer.
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