Trouble registering devices, please help

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Trouble registering devices, please help

Postby 24fun-push » 23. Aug 2022, 14:55

I experienced some very annoying troubles registering a device, but let me start at the very beginning:

On a goolge pixel, only the default sound of the phone was playing, as the notification tone was set to default. I could not return this to the "apps sound" so I deceidet to deltee and reinstall PushSafer.

After delteing the device online from the dashboard, deleting the data from the phone and deleting the app I reinstalled it. After starting, I got the old device id, but no messages. That is ok, because I have deleted the device from the dashboard.

So as I am "logged in" on a fresh install (!? why!?) I selcted logoff and registered the device again with the barcode. It told me everything was OK, I get a new device Id, but this device does not show up at the dashboard.

I tried this two times more, same result. Very strange, I can not register this device at this time! :-(

I am doing something wrong? Why is there a device id every time I install new, although all data was deleted and the device was deleted online?

Really strange, or do I misunderstand something completely?

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Re: Trouble registering devices, please help

Postby admin » 23. Aug 2022, 20:24

if you got the same Device ID, then the device deletation was nor successful.
Please send an email to the support with your username and the faulty device id.

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Re: Trouble registering devices, please help

Postby 24fun-push » 26. Aug 2022, 17:11

Thank you for your answer. I detected the problem in the meantime, and it was at my side.

Registering a device is calling a callback url at my side, and the code in this callback had an error under some circumstandes. So if the callback fails, the device will be never registered ...

Maybe this is relevant for someone having also troubles with registering devices.

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Re: Trouble registering devices, please help

Postby admin » 26. Aug 2022, 18:43

thanks for sharing
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