Port Forwarding: Access your IP camera over the Internet (mobile data)

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Port Forwarding: Access your IP camera over the Internet (mobile data)

Postby admin » 30. Aug 2015, 19:32

To make your camera accessible over Internet, please proceed as follows:

1. Assign your camera a new port over 8000, for example, 8001
This setting can be found in your camera administration under the point network

2. Now your camera (after reboot) is reachable as follows: local IP address of your camera + new port, for example,

3. Now you have to log into your router configuration and go under network -> port rules / port forwarding. Here you make the port forwarding to the IP address of your camera with the new Port 8001

4. If it is set up correctly, your camera can be reached over internet. Test this by typing your current Internet provider IP address + the new port in the browser. e.g.

Your current Internet IP can be found here: http://www.whatsmyip.org

5. Now there is still the problem that this WAN IP address changes usually all 24hours. Thus your IP camera is no longer accessible. To solve this, you have to use a DDNS service like no-ip.org or dyndns.org, or various manufacturers own systems.

Look into your camera under Network -> DNS / DDNS which providers are supported.

If your camera have a manufacturer DDNS address, you can omit points 1-5 and use the available address with one of the apps.

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