IFTTT notification receiver is not working

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IFTTT notification receiver is not working

Postby mochi135 » 14. Sep 2024, 03:52

Until September 10th, the IF block of IFTTT was working, but it stopped functioning after September 10th. Even after reconnecting Pushsafer / recreating applet, it still doesn't work. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?

I can receive notifications from Pushsafer on my device, and it’s working as usual, but only the IFTTT hook trigger isn't functioning.

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Re: IFTTT notification receiver is not working

Postby admin » 16. Sep 2024, 09:59


There seems to be a problem on IFTTT's part. I'm already in contact with their support. I'll get back to you as soon as there's any news.
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Re: IFTTT notification receiver is not working

Postby admin » 19. Oct 2024, 17:40

The issue was solved
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