here is a problem accepting emails from Gmail for redirection

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here is a problem accepting emails from Gmail for redirection

Postby davidfelipeaoc » 25. Jun 2024, 22:37

I am trying to configure Gmail so that when a specific email arrives, it sends an email to Pushsafer to send me a notification. The problem is that the email arrives in text format, and when I copy the link, it generates a 502 error. However, when I try to send it to other emails, it works because a button appears. Google support says it's a Pushsafer issue. I disagree because I copy and paste the message as they suggest, but it still throws a 502 error.

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Re: here is a problem accepting emails from Gmail for redirection

Postby admin » 26. Jun 2024, 08:44


I can't follow you.
Please describe your problem in more detail.
What exactly isn't working?
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Re: here is a problem accepting emails from Gmail for redirection

Postby mokber » 22. Aug 2024, 07:32

davidfelipeaoc wrote:
25. Jun 2024, 22:37
I am trying to configure Gmail so that when a specific email arrives, it sends an email to Pushsafer to send me a notification. The problem is that the email arrives in text format, and when I copy the link, it generates a 502 error. However, when I try to send it to other emails, it works because a button appears. Google support says it's a Pushsafer issue. I disagree because I copy and paste the message as they suggest, but it still throws a 502 error.
The issue seems to be the URL or percent encoding/decoding done by pushsafer when parsing emails sent to pushsafer. The verification email sent to the pushsafer email address to activate the forwarding contains an activation link.
In my case, this link contains the bracket characters `[` and `]`. Those characters are correctly URL encoded when sent by Gmail. But pushsafer decodes it and breaks the link.
You need to encode the path of the URL, meaning everything after ``.

Just replace the brackets as follows:

Code: Select all

[ = %5B
] = %5D
This URL:

Code: Select all[ANGjdJ-vzPo0_0SAceXqIZ{REDACTED}oega31cE94ltSljpg]-BpjUNEUrYoGAVjPa11_-v3voy7M
Turns into percent encoded version:

Code: Select all{REDACTED}oega31cE94ltSljpg%5D-BpjUNEUrYoGAVjPa11_-v3voy7M
There might be other unsupported characters in other validation links, I didn't encounter in my test. You can just use a URL encoder tool and encode the the whole string after ``.

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