PS Notification Forwarder

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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PS Notification Forwarder

Postby StRaLa » 5. Mar 2024, 15:42

Can somebody help me.. I'm a programming NOOB and i've tried a lot. But just can't get it working.
My goal: Sending Windows 10 notifications to Telegram.

I have installed PS Notification Forwarder on PC
I've connected Telegram to my Push Saver account.

I have got it so far it sends a message on telegram when there is a notification on PC..
But i want to see the notification it self..

So expect I need to do change/ do something on 1 or both places. What is most probably programming language.

1. The URL in the forwarding program: I've now got:{private subkey}
2. The settings in Pushsaver dashboard >> send a notification. And then I think in the message field.
This because i can let it send the litteral message i'm typing there. But i think I need some kind of code that it uses the real notification text.

Now i did read somewhere the codes: $Title+$Content but as a NOOB i will certainly be missing something.

So could someone help me with 1 & 2:
1. Should i add anything to that api part.. that it send the notification text along to the API
2. What code should i write in the "send a notification"> message field?
(And do i need to push that "BB code" when entering it)


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Re: PS Notification Forwarder

Postby admin » 5. Mar 2024, 21:33


$Title, $Content, $App, $TimeStamp and $Version are parameter that be filled by PS Notification forwarder.
The content of these parameter you can pass throught the API to send it in your notification.

$Title = Title/Subject of the Windows Notification
$Content= Message of the Notification
$App = APP which send the notification
$TimeStamp = Timestamp when the notification arrived
$Version = PS Notification Forwarder Version


Code: Select all********************&d=***&t=Subject:+$Title&m=Message+from+$App:+$Message+Time:+$TimeStamp

Hope this helps.
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Re: PS Notification Forwarder

Postby StRaLa » 6. Mar 2024, 01:31

Thanks for your reply. But do i put this into 1 (The URL of the PS forwarder) or 2 in the message?

Plus in the code i can now copy i see: " =***&t=Subject "
Do i need to fill out something on the ***?

Thanks for your reply
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Re: PS Notification Forwarder

Postby admin » 6. Mar 2024, 08:38

******************* = your private key
*** = your device id (take a look in your pushsafer dashboard

Paste url in PS Notification Forwarder > "Add forward target" (image 1)

Image 2 you can generate your own url. After that you have to add the PS Notification Forwarder parameter as discribed.
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Re: PS Notification Forwarder

Postby StRaLa » 6. Mar 2024, 16:19

Thanks.. That was enough for me to get it working. Really appreciate it!
With your earlier explanation i got it to where i got it to where i want it.{delete ... $TimeStamp

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