Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby mikeprocess » 10. Feb 2024, 19:06

My goal is to have my Windows 10 notifications show up on my Pixel 7 Pro Android phone. I downloaded and installed Pushsafer on my Windows 10 desktop computer and my Android phone and I registered both devices. (both have an Pushsafer ID number)

From the dashboard I can log in and “send a notification” and both devices will display it.

But let’s say my VPN gives me a Windows 10 notification that the VPN has terminated...I get that notification in the Windows 10 notification I always did. But it doesn’t show up on my Android phone via Pushsafer.

I may have misunderstood what Pushsaver can accomplish? Is there a setting I’m missing?

Thanks for your time.

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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby admin » 11. Feb 2024, 10:08


pushsafer do not have access to other apps notifications. With Pushsafer you have the ability to send and receive notification to your device.

But with a third party app you can access your windows notifications from all apps and redirect them to pushsafer.

The app called: Notification Forwarder please serach in the Microsoft store.

Kind Regards
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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby mikeprocess » 11. Feb 2024, 18:29

Kevin Wrote:
>The app called: Notification Forwarder please serach in the Microsoft store.

Thank you very much for the info. I never thought to look in the Microsoft Store. The Notification Forwarder program wants a target to forward the notifications to..."The API endpoint URL should be..." Is the answer to that question on my Pushsaver dashboard?
Maybe you could just give me a generic example and I'll try from there?

Thanks for your time.

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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby admin » 12. Feb 2024, 10:02


please use the APP "EZ Notification Forwarder" because this app can also forward the notification title an message.

Open the settings of the ez notification forwarder app.
qnf01.jpg (53.32 KiB) Viewed 20901 times
Activate all option and press "Manage which apps to forward
qnf02.jpg (45.54 KiB) Viewed 20901 times
Add all apps you need to forward the notifications to pushsafer.
qnf03.jpg (32.98 KiB) Viewed 20901 times
After that go to "manage forward targets"
qnf04.jpg (42.22 KiB) Viewed 20901 times
Here you enter the the pushsafer api url with your desired parameter.
$Title and $Content are the forwared message parameter.

Hope this helps
qnf04.jpg (42.22 KiB) Viewed 20901 times
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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby mikeprocess » 12. Feb 2024, 16:41

Thank you for your detailed instructions. I'll give it a try!

Much appreciated.

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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby mikeprocess » 14. Feb 2024, 18:13

Well so far so good...I've attached a screenshot of where I get stuck....I'm not sure where I find the pushsafer api url to enter in the "Add Forward Target" field... I'm guessing it's listed on my Pushsafer dashboard but I don't see anything obvious. Might you have a suggestion?

add forward target in pushsafer.PNG
add forward target in pushsafer.PNG (35.6 KiB) Viewed 20848 times

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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby admin » 15. Feb 2024, 20:42

login into your Pushsafer Dashboard and scroll to "Send a Notification".
In this form choose your options and press the Button "Create Link".

This URL you can paste in the API Endpoint field.
Zwischenablage02.jpg (125.62 KiB) Viewed 20846 times
What program you use "Notification Forwarder" or "EZ Notification Forwarder"?

With "EZ Notification Forwarder" you can pass some variables ($Title and $Content), so you get the content of the Windows notifications into your push notifications.

PS Notification Forwarder for FREE
Take a look at:

URL with these parameter looks like:

Code: Select all****************&d=***&i=9&s=16&v=3&pr=2&t=Notification+Forwarder&m=$Title+$Content
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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby admin » 16. Feb 2024, 10:00

Now you can download for free the "PS Notification Forwarder" for Windows 10/11.

Take a look at:
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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby redchili » 13. Sep 2024, 14:54

Seems as PS Notification Forwarder isn't available anymore?

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Re: Windows 10 Notifications on Android

Postby admin » 16. Sep 2024, 07:37

redchili wrote:
13. Sep 2024, 14:54
Seems as PS Notification Forwarder isn't available anymore?
Microsoft has banned the app from the store, I'm working on getting it re-released.
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