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Notification and open Android app

Posted: 9. May 2023, 00:16
by proufo
Hello all. Glad to be here.

A bit lost on PushSafer.

I set up my mail account to forward all messages to my e-mail address. I get the notifications alright. Just some issues with the PushSafer app being very sensible to weak Wi-Fi signals and it would immediately indicate no Internet connection.

I want to customize the standard push notification to open my e-mail client in my android phone. Is that possible?

Many, many thanks in advance and best regards.

Re: Notification and open Android app

Posted: 12. May 2023, 20:01
by admin

nice that you use Pushsafer.
I will check and fix the problem with the timeout when the internet is weak.

To include a link to open the mail program in your push notifications out of pushsafer, use an email alias that you can create in your Pushsafer dashboard. Then forward your emails to the created alias.

The url scheme is: googlegmail:// or mailto://

Regards Kevin

Re: Notification and open Android app

Posted: 12. May 2023, 23:11
by proufo
The url scheme is: googlegmail:// or mailto://
Hello Kevin and many thanks for your reply.

What I want is the push notification to open automatically the mail client. I want to open my phone after I hear the tone and have in the screen the mail client, ready to get POP mail from the server. There doesn't seem to be a way to do deep linking to the Refresh command.

It seems to be a non-trivial thing.

I can keep the mail client always open and active and that works, so it is not really a problem.

I get jobs from a first-come first-served site, and speed is crucial.

Many, many thanks.

Re: Notification and open Android app

Posted: 13. May 2023, 07:22
by admin
Good Luck! :D