Create Guest Users

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Create Guest Users

Postby HGRogers » 11. Jan 2023, 15:15

I'm looking to have a number of guest devices but can't find in the API docs how to generate a new device ID for my account or register it?
Using the web interface it's easy to add a guest device but I want to do it via the API - as I don't want guests logging in to my account.
I guess I must be missing something ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Create Guest Users

Postby admin » 12. Jan 2023, 06:16


you only can add (guest) devices by using the client app (iOS, Android, WIN)!
There is no way to do this by API, because the device must have the installed pushsafer app!

Regards Kevin
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Re: Create Guest Users

Postby HGRogers » 12. Jan 2023, 10:24

Thanks for the reply.
OK I've got the hang of it now.
Its the string labelled 'Guest-ID' that had me confused.
I now see it's that string that identifies our account and is common to all guests on our account and the 'device name' identifies each individual device with the optional 'group' tag.
(I had incorrectly assumed the 'Guest-ID' was unique to each guest and couldn't see how to generate a new on).

All the best

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Re: Create Guest Users

Postby admin » 12. Jan 2023, 13:48

You explained it perfectly.

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