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callback login

Posted: 9. May 2022, 08:49
by ubicar
Hi all.

I have generated a QR code following the instructions:
[guest ID]+[pipe character]+[device name]+[pipe character]+[device group]

When a new device scans this QR code (Register Guest-Device) , the callback response is:
"action": "add-device",
"id": "27899",
"name": "device name",
"group": "device group",
"guest": "1"

After logged out, and changing the device name with a *NEW* device name and a new QR code ,
[guest ID]+[pipe character]+[NEW device name]+[pipe character]+[device group]

and scan again, the callback is not triggered, which makes sense for "action": "add-device". I was wondering if it would be possible to get the response code

"action": "log-device", <====
"id": "27899",
"name": "NEW device name", <===
"group": "device group",
"guest": "1"

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards.

Re: callback login

Posted: 10. May 2022, 10:33
by admin
Hi Denis,

i will check this shortly and give a feedback to you!


Re: callback login

Posted: 16. May 2022, 10:49
by admin
Hi Denis,

with re-registering by qr-code the device name not changed. So you do not need such a response from the callback feature.
The device name remains the same.

Hope this helps.

Regards Kevin