New notification vs resent (retry)

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New notification vs resent (retry)

Postby PercySweetwater » 11. Nov 2021, 22:33

Is it possible to determine if a received notification is the original notification or a resent notification? ("resent" as a result of a non -confirmation or retry - cr/re flags).

Also, is it possible to determine from the api log if the notification is being sent as a result of an original call to pushsafer, or if the notification is being generated as a result of a retry?


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Re: New notification vs resent (retry)

Postby admin » 12. Nov 2021, 09:05

you get this information with the "read message" api.

From there you get the value "retries".
It is ever the same message with a counter!

In the pushsafer app or in your dashboard you will see this as a retries icon
retries icon
retries-icon.jpg (14.42 KiB) Viewed 6694 times
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Re: New notification vs resent (retry)

Postby PercySweetwater » 13. Nov 2021, 13:37

Thanks for the response!

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