Guest-Login not possible for new account

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Guest-Login not possible for new account

Postby Raphael » 4. Jun 2021, 15:20


First I want to thank you for this great feature, so many possibilities!
Working with it I encountered following problem. Not sure if I'm dumb or what the reason is.
I set up a test account and reqistered two devices as guests (my Android mobile, a friends Iphone). Now I set up a new account which will be the commercial account. Neither my Android mobile or the iphone are able to connect to this account by scanning a guest QR code or tipping in the guest string. The Pushsafer app is just showing "Please wait ..." forever and the devices never get registered to the account and do not show up on the "Registered devices" list.

Tried to delete cache, reinstall the app, restart mobiles...

Can someone give me a hint about whats happening here? Anyone with the same problem?

Thanks for your support


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Re: Guest-Login not possible for new account

Postby admin » 4. Jun 2021, 20:11


you can register a device only to one account. Please delete the devices from the test-account!

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Re: Guest-Login not possible for new account

Postby Raphael » 8. Jun 2021, 13:23

Ok thanks a lot. That was helpfull. You may add a response to the user when a device is already added instead of showing "please wait". Anyway I appreciate your quick response!

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Re: Guest-Login not possible for new account

Postby admin » 8. Jun 2021, 19:25

Raphael wrote:
8. Jun 2021, 13:23
Ok thanks a lot. That was helpfull. You may add a response to the user when a device is already added instead of showing "please wait". Anyway I appreciate your quick response!
yes i will do
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