Adding a subject in email-push-notification

Pushsafer make it easy and safe to get push-notifications in real time on your Android or Windows mobile device, iPhone, iPad and Desktop!

Mit Pushsafer kann man in Echtzeit, einfach und sicher, Push-Benachrichtigungen auf sein iPhone, iPad, Android oder Windows Gerät sowie auf den Desktop senden lassen!

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Adding a subject in email-push-notification

Postby StefanL38 » 9. Jan 2025, 21:34

Hi I successfully tested using parameters with create email-function.

image 41 sound 17 vibrate 3 times

Is there are possability to add subject as a parameter?

something like this

auth-Token+i=41+s=17+v=3+t="show this as the subject"

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Re: Adding a subject in email-push-notification

Postby admin » 10. Jan 2025, 08:18

this is not possible, because

Pushsafer Title = eMail Subject
Pushsafer Message = eMail Body
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Re: Adding a subject in email-push-notification

Postby helendam » 23. Jan 2025, 09:55

Pushsafer does not directly support specifying the subject as part of the parameters in the email address, such as +t="subject". However, there are alternative ways to set the subject when using Pushsafer.
Geometry Dash
Specify the Subject in the Email Client:

Use the email's subject line in your email client as the Pushsafer notification subject. Pushsafer automatically picks up the subject of the email to use as the notification title.
Pushsafer REST API:

If you’re using the Pushsafer API instead of email, you can include the subject/title as a parameter (t) in the API request. Here's an example:

Code: Select all

curl -s \
--form-string "t=Your Notification Title" \
--form-string "m=Your Message" \
--form-string "s=17" \
--form-string "v=3" \
--form-string "i=41" \
--form-string "k=YourAuthToken" \
Set a Default Title in Pushsafer Settings:

If you frequently send notifications with a static subject, you can configure a default title in your Pushsafer account settings.
Unfortunately, adding a subject directly as a parameter in the email address isn’t supported due to the format restrictions of email addresses. For dynamic titles, the best approach is to use the email's subject field or the API.

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